

精選完美男The Switch是一齣浪漫喜劇,由珍妮佛安妮絲頓Jennifer Aniston與傑森貝特曼Jason Bateman主演,傑森貝特曼飾演的Wally Mars與童星Thomas Robinson飾演的Sebastian有一段精彩的台詞,值得深思...

Sebastian: I'm having a birthday party.(我會開生日派對)
Wally Mars: Oh yeah? You enjoy that, there's gonna come a time in your life when you're not gonna want people to know it's your birthday. (是嗎?你高興就好,遲早有一天你不會想要別人知道你的生日)
Sebastian: Why wouldn't anyone want people to know about their birthday?(怎麼有人不願生日被人知道?)
Wally Mars: Because getting old sucks. Most people don't accomplish what they'd hope to and they realize that they are most likely not going to. They end up living these quite lives of denial, and uh... brushing birthdays under the rug just becomes a part of that. (因為變老很糟.多數人沒能達成自己的志向,他們瞭解到很可能永遠不會達成,最後過著否認著失敗的平靜人生,刻意忘記自己生日變得無可避免)
對面惡女看過來10 Things I Hate About You裡面父親也講了一句經典:
You know fathers don't like to admit it when their daughters are capable of running their own lives. 做父親的都不想承認的是,當女兒們有能力處理她們自己的生活時,
It means we've become spectators. 那就意味著從此以後我們只能袖手旁觀了.

MAD MEN廣告狂人影集 裡面父親也對她女兒講了一句經典:
"You'll be okay. You're a house cat, you're very important and you have little to do." 妳會沒事的,妳是一頭家貓,妳很重要,但妳幾乎不用做任何事

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.
生命中某些人匆匆進出,某些人稍時駐留並只在我們心中印上足痕,但你我之間永遠也不會如此而已! (蘇軾--人生到處知何似?應似飛鴻踏雪泥。泥上偶然留指爪,鴻飛那復計東西...)

One day you will ask me which is more important? my life or yours? I will say mine and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life. --Khalil Gibran
