
Mail from Israel以色列書簡(六)

收到三遍你的賀卡. 歹勢晚回信.

這是我第一次沒在台灣過年, 以前都不注意逛街時所放的過年的音樂,現在卻挺想念的. 2/11以色列的台北辦事處, 大使邀請台胞一起吃年夜飯(大陸餐館), 以慰思鄉之情. 挺好的.

新的一年 閤家安康 事事如意

543的同學們 學業進步 讀書會有新展望及新氣象


p.s. actually i don't know how the international internet works as i received a lot complaints from my sisters and friends for i did not response their mail either in Athens or in Israel. but the truth is i responded but they did not receive it, then i have to send it to them again and sometimes it still did not work. that makes me headaches. please be patient if you or me did not get response from mail pals, remember to send them a reminder. have a nice weekend!
