
法蘭西斯培根 (Francis Bacon)名言

Francis Bacon1909 年生於愛爾蘭都柏林, 1929 年起自學繪畫,之後斷斷續續開始創作,並於 1945 年卅六歲時,以三幅十字受刑架上的人像習作油畫參加英國倫敦拉斐爾畫廊聯展,此畫作反映出當時人們因戰爭內心的痛苦,而一舉成名。
法蘭西斯. 培根的作品以「人的身體」為主題,並藉由名作重新詮釋來表現個人心理而著名,畫作風格大膽、怪誕、暴力,多是以扭曲猙獰的臉孔和人體來傳達強烈的情緒,其中以「教宗英諾森十世」習作(改自委拉斯貴茲)最為著名。 1971 年法國藝術鑑賞雜誌把培根列為當時十大畫家之首,並是本世紀唯一的一位享譽國際且具影響力的英國畫家。

The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery.
畫家的職責總是要為難以理解的事物添加更深沈的色彩 .

I believe in deeply ordered CHAOS ---- Francis Bacon

Existence is in a way so banal, you may as well try and make a kind of grandeur of it.

I don't think people are born artists, I think it comes from a mixture of your surroundings, the people you meet,and luck,It is not hereditary,thanks Godness.

What I want to do is to distort the thing far beyond the appearance, but in the distortion to bring it back to a recording of the appearance.

Even as old as I am, it doesn't stop me from looking at man...Passion keeps you young,and passion and liberty are so seductive.

Hardly anyone really feels about painting,they read things into it,even the most intelligent people  --  they think they understand it,But very,very few people are aesthetically touched by painting.

" The great effort about what i do is I'm making myself freer .
I mean , you either have to do it through drugs or drink or extreme despair .... "

" I want a very ordered image but I want it come about by chance "

" I've always wanted and never succeeded in painting the smile "
